West Ryde Public School

Nothing left unattempted

Telephone02 9874 2515


About our school

Welcome to West Ryde...

At West Ryde Public School we believe in nurturing an individual's mind and nurturing the person to be the best they can be, in an inclusive and high expectation environment, where nothing is left unattempted. Our vision is to work together as a collective to ensure that all students become confident, self-directed and successful learners. 

West Ryde Public School is proud to be part of the NSW Department of Education, located in the North-Western suburbs of Sydney. We are a large multicultural school with over 85% of our students coming from a language background other than English. Our school is proud of our cultural diversity, with three community languages being offered to all students 1-6 (Mandarin, Hindu and Korean). We pride ourselves on our 'Learning Culture'; our focus is on learning, the building of educational aspiration, and ongoing performance improvement throughout the school community. 

Our school is driven by our collective mission to nurture the minds of our students and to nurture the person. This concept also applies to our staff and community, keeping our students at the centre by focusing on improving student academic performance and having consistent performance measures to demonstrate student growth in reading and numeracy. We strive to strengthen our strategic and planned approach to wellbeing, ensuring all students connect, succeed, thrive and learn.

Our school culture and belief is underpinned by our guiding principles of 'nothing left unattempted', through 'respect, responsible, learners, quality', both of which form the backbone of our 'Positive Behaviour for Learning' strategy which guides the expectations of our school behaviour code.

With high expectations, the school offers a broad curriculum with choice and diversity focusing on academic, technological, sporting, creative, performing, social and leadership opportunities and experiences for all students. Our staff is committed to ongoing high-impact professional learning through our 'Collaborative Practice Conference' model. Staff demonstrate a personal responsibility for maintaining and developing their professional standards to maximise the impact of students' learning.

We pride ourselves on our strength as a school community to support the needs of individual students by utilising our professional networks and community resources in providing quality learning experiences and opportunities for our students and teachers. The cohesiveness of our school community is reflected not only in the physical environment where students work proudly in our diverse cultural mix, but in the professional conversations between all members of the West Ryde Learning Community.

Sakuna Pho


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