West Ryde Public School

Nothing left unattempted

Telephone02 9874 2515


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.


Sakuna Pho Principal (leave Term 1)

Albina Lee Deputy Principal K-2 (Rel. Principal Term 1)

Kate Young Acting Deputy Principal 3-6



Early Stage 1

KNB - Natalia Boyle Early Stage 1 Assistant Principal

KSY - So Min Yoo

KNM - Nicole Maier

KLL - Li-En Lee


Stage 1

1DM -  Dianne Mills Stage 1 Assistant Principal (Rel.)

1KD - Karen Dobbie

1IZ - Isabella Zhu

1/2YL - Yvonne Lee

2HK - Hannah Kim

2TT - Thi Truong


Stage 2

4SM - Sophie MacInnes Stage 2 Assistant Principal (Rel).

3NK - Nury Koizumi

3RC - Rebecca Collins

3AG - Ariana Gibian

3JF - Jessica Francis

4AT - Annika Thompson

4JG- Joseph Gibbs



Stage 3

5DB - Damian Brown Stage 3 Assistant Principal (Rel.)

5AV - Astrid Vega

5MH - Monica Happer

6KG - Kirstie Greig

6GL - Soojin Yvonne Lee (Mon-Tues) and Stephanie Gray (Wed-Fri)


Community Languages (RFF K-6)

Hindi - Varsha Daithankar

Korean - Young Su Kim

Mandarin - Sarah Liang


Support Teachers

APCI - Emma Gibson

Library - Christie Smith (Mon-Wed)

Learning and Support Teacher (LaST) - Eunice Ng (Mon-Wed)

EAL/D - Lisa Collins

EAL/D - Ludmilla Lee (Wed-Fri)

EAL/D - Vicki McDougall (Tues-Wed)

RFF/ Support - Sophia Chung (Mon, Thurs-Fri)

RFF/Support - Melissa Rogers (Mon-Wed)

School Psychologist - Brian Cheng (Wed-Thurs) 


School Office and Administration

School Administration Manager (SAM) - Susan Mazar 

School Administration Officer (SAO) - Sandra Basile 

Office Support - Amy Bested 

School Learning Support Officer (SLSO) - Emily Barakat 

General Assistant (GA) - Sam Eid